How long does it take to make an architectural rendering?
It depends on the type of rendering required. From 2/3 days, for simple jobs (simple photo insertions or non-furnished 2D plans or a small 3D model), to a couple of weeks for more complex ones (creation of the entire 3D scene). For a better organization it is very important that I know your timing right away so that I can optimize the times at best. ​
What are the benefits of rendering?
Like a photo, but better!
Generally it can be complicated to get good photographs in reality, as it would be necessary to wait for the right light, that of sunrise or sunset, and in some cases it is necessary to hire a professional photographer, which would unnecessarily affect the budget.
With a rendering, on the other hand, you can get the desired result at any time without spending too much and without necessarily having to wait for certain times of the day.
Easier than that!
A rendering allows you to change or move objects, furniture, furnishings, wall color, floor type and many other details without any effort. Convenient, isn't it?
Ask for a higher price!
Do you have to sell an apartment but it is without furniture? This is where my renderings come into play!
A survey conducted by Coldwell Real Estate Corp. found that buyers are willing to spend up to 6% more of the real value of a furnished home than a completely empty one. So I can reproduce your apartment and add the necessary furniture. Easy!
Start selling now!
Do you have to sell a house but this has not yet been built? No problem! I make a preview of the final rendering of the building in the project so you can sell it even before starting work. You can also print the renderings of your projects on the signs placed at the facility and generate some interest in the project by collecting a list of emails and phones of interested people. On-site signage is generally inexpensive.
Level up!
Improvement of the area. Architectural renderings can convince neighbors and special bodies that your project will be an excellent addition to that area's enhancement. Neighbors may view the project as something that will increase the value of their property.
How much?
The industry-wide cost of 3D rendering can generally range from € 50 to € 300 or € 1000 + depending on the type of rendering required (be it a simple quick image or a package of images of a very complex scene) .
If you want to view my price list just click HERE , I find that my customers would still prefer to invest in a superior quality architectural visualization at the reasonable price that I offer and with a service as professional as possible rather than spending a much too high amount and obtain a result that does not live up to expectations, as often happens.
So before deciding I suggest you contact me so that we can set an adequate budget for the job.
Tel .: (+39) 3472901226
Mail: francescogiovani@outlook.it
Who is the typical customer?
My clients range from professional technicians (Surveyors, Architects, Engineers) to real estate agents to furniture and accessories manufacturers to real estate agencies to small and large companies and also, why not, to students who need photomontages for their school projects / university students.
In short, I am available for a large variety of clients, so feel free to contact me without hesitation.
What do I need to get started?
Obviously it depends on the type of service requested, generally graphic drawings of the project status and photographic documentation of the current state of the place are a good start. In the absence of this, I need only sketches, drawings or drafts with as many reference measurements as possible.
This would allow me to elaborate the dimension of the project in all its phases and therefore to be able to make an estimate as accurate as possible.
Is it really necessary to send me the documents?
In theory not, I can also create a rendering based on sketches, photographs and some basic measurements, but this would obviously be to the detriment of the fidelity of the final result. Having instead all the files (.dwg, .jpeg or .pdf) of the drawings I can be much more precise in the modeling thus obtaining a better final result.
What if I don't have the opportunity to send you the papers?
No problem, if possible I will come personally to take all the necessary measures to carry out the work.
Can I work on a 3D file provided by you?
Yes, I can work "without problems" on the models created by you even if I would like not, as I prefer to manage all the various phases of work personally. Despite this, if you already have a model created to pass me you can send it to me, I will take care of it to adapt it to the type of work required.
I currently use AutoCad 2021, 3dsMax 2017 and Photoshop as programs.
What stages does my work follow?
Typically a project follows these steps:
1 - COLLECTION OF INFORMATION AND MATERIAL: What the customer wants and how he wants it through floor plans, photos, sketches and more;
2 - BEGINNING 2D or 3D MODELING: I begin to give life to the customer's idea, based on the work required;
3 - FIRST CHECK: First viewing by the customer and research / request for any further details (Materials, dimensions, furnishings);
4 - SECOND CHECK: If necessary;
5 - TEXTURING AND TEST RENDERING: Beginning of the application phase of the materials to the various 3D models and creation of quick test renderings;
6 - FINAL RENDERING: Realization of the final renderings.
The phases may undergo changes based on the type of work required.
What rendering options do you have?
Corner of the Chamber!
Can you suggest a rendering example from a particular angle that you like or that intrigues you in particular. Alternatively, I can choose them all without problems, of course. This rendering option is included in the final price.
Time of day / night!
You can choose whether to have renderings during sunrise or sunset or during the day or night. Or all of them.
This rendering option is included in the final price.
What training did I follow to be able to make these 3D renderings?
From 2006 to 2010 I attended courses organized by the 2F Firenze School, which helped me a lot to put a solid foundation in the knowledge of AutoCad 2D, Photoshop and 3dsMax. But a great hand was given to me by the E-Learning course "Learn V-Ray" by Ciro Sannino done between 2019 and 2020, through some I obtained the official Chaos Group Certificate for the V-Ray rendering engine (Below, by clicking on the Banner, you can find the aforementioned Sannino online course, which I highly recommend). The rest I learned with experience, simply by carrying out the various jobs. But personally all this is not enough for me and I continue to follow various refresher courses and tutorials.